Monday, January 28, 2008

We had snow!

Not a lot, but it was my first snow. It was very cold, so I had to wear my hoodie.

It was very pretty, but it was all gone by lunchtime. Next week I will go to the beach, so no cold weather and I can wear shorts.


masters said...

Blaze: We are enjoying reading your adventures. Today we took your blogspot address to school to share with the principal, our teachers and friends. Keep up the great stories. We didn't have but a few flakes of snow, but Christian had a lot. I can read the stories by myself, but Granny has to help Cooper. See you in June!
Love Skylar & Cooper

The Adventures of Blaze, The Trekking Turtle said...

Thanks guys! I am glad you like them. I went to the doctor today and they said I was doing very well. I'll write about that in my next report!